The first mesh items that eventually became components of buildings and sites on XMIR were created in 2011, but much of the mesh that were created back then is rather inefficient for use in OpenSim or SecondLife simply because the majority of tutorials and training focus on creating medium to high polygon mesh – so that is what they ended up being. The two platforms, on the other hand really requires what many will call game ready mesh items, meaning polygon count must be kept as low as possible and texturing techniques are rather used to compensate for the lack of geometry.
Some of the initial mesh has been cleaned up, simplified and complemented with missing parts, and one of the results is the rather simple but nice Garden Fence that can be seen in the Norderhov region outside the church.
Also the cabins in andwest Bay has taken a major renovation where parts such as doors and windows have been changed so they can be used in general builds and not only in those cabins. They will soon be spotted elsewhere on the grid and on the marketplace as well.